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Side Lunge

Are there side effects of doing yoga?

Yoga does not have any side effects but for people suffering from certain medical conditions like hypertension, arthritis, sciatica, ligament tear, cervical, heart ailments, etc. certain poses are to be avoided or low-intensity versions can be done. Therefore, a beginner or a regular practitioner must do yoga under the proper supervision of a certified yoga trainer.

How many times a week should yoga be practiced?

Yoga can be practiced every day with a proper flow to suit the purpose.
Yoga Practice
Yoga Accessories

What is the best time to do yoga?

Early morning is the best time to practice yoga. It shouldn’t be practiced late evening. There should be a minimum gap of three to four hours between meals and yoga practice.

Is yoga better than other physical exercises?

Yoga promotes the holistic development of body and mind. Its main objective is to control physical, subtle, and causal bodies. It affects all body systems including the internal organs, the stretching movement increases the flexibility of muscles, increases blood circulation, oxygen supply and reduces fatigue, opposes violent movement of muscles whereas other formats of exercises aim at control over the physical body. Therefore, yoga is better and safe than other physical exercises.
Practicing Yoga at Home
Healthy Food

What is a Yogic Diet?

A yogi must eat a well–balanced Sattvic diet. A Sattvic diet is a Lacto – vegetarian diet, with no garlic, onion, poultry, and meat products, processed and overcooked food, no caffeine no overly spicy, and too much sweetness. Only plenty of freshly prepared whole grains, legumes, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fresh fruits are to be taken.

Can I take bath after yoga?

Post-session, one should wait for a minimum of 45 minutes for the body to cool down before taking a shower.
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Healthy Breakfast

What should I eat after doing yoga?

Ideally, eat a wholesome post-yoga meal after half an hour of the yoga session. One might have green tea or herbal tea, coconut water, or any non-fizzy drink like lemonade, or Amla juice to keep the body hydrated.

Is yoga safe during pregnancy?

Yes, pre-natal yoga is absolutely safe during pregnancy under a certified pre-natal yoga trainer. It is even a blessing for pregnant women as it soothes pains related to pregnancy and prepares the mother for natural childbirth. Though in the case of high-risk pregnancy, one should avoid doing yoga or any form of exercise.
Yoga Teacher with Student
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